After seeing the OP of Muteki Kanban Musume (Ramen Fighter Miki), Steven makes a guess that Hell's Bunny is Megumi's mother. The sheer audacity of the call renders me speechless. I hate to admit it, but I did not even see their likeness until Hell's Bunny made her appearance in the show proper.
BTW, since we're on topic of initial reaction to MKM, I recall being impressed by Megumi's beauty in a major way. I regard her as the prettiest character design across all anime I have ever watched up to this date (yes, even Feena cannot match her). Also, she received the only backgrounder in the series...

Alas, since she's a nasty bitch, I cannot love her. Which is probably to the best, since she's straight-jacketed by her role. I'd gone mad rooting for her to go beyond the #2 spot and the obsession with it. It is lucky twice, because MKM/RFM is not a series to reward any kind of emotional association with the characters.