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  1. Animeblogger.net is shutting down

    This blog is going to go away at the end of the month. The management offered a free redirect from the old domain, but I'm not sure if I will be in position to take them upon it.

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  2. Faust is back

    He's back with a review of Yuru Camp, and on a new domain. Le sigh. These day, I cannot muster a good outrage about that. Not after Omo lost his DB, and Nobar switched domains (and lost the DB).

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  3. John on American Otaku

    Published: Thu 10 January 2019
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    The default Japanese image of an otaku is the opposite of outgoing, active, and youthful. Yet particularly in America, especially in the two-thousand-teens, anime has taken on the image that watching anime makes one cool. The entire point of the “Stay Crunchy” ad is to illustrate the idea that …

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  4. Elon Musk is discovering anime

    Published: Sat 27 October 2018
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    The rocket mogul has taken to Twitter with expressions of love of anime that left heathens shocked. What's particularly interesting about it, we're talking about a guy who's in with the Hollywood so much that he even got a cameo in Iron Man 2. And yet he's not a snob …

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  5. Ogiue Maniax 10th Anniversary

    Published: Sun 19 November 2017
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    Congratulations! Over the years, we linked to Ogiue Maniax many times, and I just received a little scare trying to find the latest article. It was in the backups, but not on the site! Apparently, a draft was saved about Nico-Nico-niiiii, but the polemic with SDS never happened. We'd just …

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  6. Don on New York Times writing about anime

    Poor Don, having to read NYT:

    Writer Glenn Kenny [...] name-checks the movies Akira and Ghost in the Shell, thereby gaining negligible credibility as an otaku. He plainly knows nothing about anime series, which comprise the vast majority of Crunchyroll’s offerings, and he can’t be bothered to do minimal …

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  7. Welcome Dullahan Club

    Published: Wed 01 February 2017
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    This time we discover a new anime blog without help from Evirus, and I have high hopes.

    While many people despise 2016, it was a marvelous year for Anime. This year alone we got not one but four trapped in another world shows.

    Although the author trolls hard and Ani-nouto … read more

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