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  1. Kaori Shoji on idols

    Reading the article in Japan Times, one gets an idea that the author is not very enthusiastic about idols, but interestingly, the complaints are centered around poor working conditions and compensation. There is not a word of whining about "graduation".

    The best part of the article is perhaps this personal …

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  2. 3/11

    Possessing the empathy of a block of wood, I don't know how to approach the subject, but there was a post at TTAC.

    (photo by TTAC editor Bertel Schmidt)

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  3. The Anti-TAF or the TAF-Next

    John mentioned that a bunch of holdings such as Geneon and Media Factory "have announced plans" to set up an alternative event at Makuhari Messe event center in Chiba, across the bay from Odaiba, on the same date. This is taking things beyond the mere boycott and makes them interesting …

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  4. Tonkatsu in Sushi Moto

    As Steven noted, I was on vacation, in the course of which I tasted the best tonkatsu I have ever eaten in America (the second best would be in Osaka at Filmore of San Francisco). The dish was served by a place called Sushi Moto, located in the middle of …

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  5. RP's trip tips

    Reading the tips like RP's amuses me in the same way children playing in a sandbox must've amused Einstein, which is doubly ridiculous because of the point I'm going to make here: RP's experience barely scratches the surface, and I learned it the hard way. After a trip like his …

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  6. 2DT on toilets

    There was some anime ruse involved, but essentially, today's blog post at 2DT is about the trench toilet. Usually this topic elicits balanced discussion, but somehow it grew extremely lopsided in this instance. The blogger himself set the tone by refusing to use the "barbaric" device, and it snowballed from …

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