Akita bijin are real.
But I was too shy to take pictures.
read moreI made a post about my upcoming trip to Akita at one of my numerous blogs and an online acquaintance commented:
read moreI used to live in Ugo-Honjo shi of Akita Pref. when I was an elementary school kid, which city faced the Ocean of Japan.
This area produces really nice …
Gia agitates for love hotels in America. But she does not understand that the phenomena rests on other Japanese hotels discriminating against this use. I saw signs "please entertain your friends (who are not reistered guests of our hotels) outside of your rooms" (translated into English it means "do not …
read moreVia a forum thread come news that ULA now officially lists an Atlas V based GX (Galaxy Express). And to think that I wrote it off. Now that's what I call persistency in the face of adversity.
As reported by Rob Coppinger the JAXA's spaceship is a transformer: it dramatically reconfigures itself after the launch.
Unbelievable. Clearly someone watched too many Macross series.
UPDATE: Dr. Antonio Elias of OSC says:
That way the crew module can have an itsy bitsy hatch to go to the (pressurized) cargo …read more
From the Daily Yomiuri (via), comes the report about JAXA and USEF initiating an air-launched satellite launcher.
A U.S. firm has undertaken commercial midair rocket launches for about 20 years, and the system has been studied by a number of countries.
Indeed, OSC Pegasus was flying for about 25 …
read moreSpent a few hours today trying find the original title of a short story by Yasutaka Tsutsui (筒井 康隆), about a young matematician solving his problems with the help of Tokyo commuter trains. It was translated into Russian (two times) under the title "Кольцевые ветки". No amounts of …
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