Cannot avoid spoilers for Chobits and Figure 17 in this entry, so with this in mind...
As a take off on Ayako doctrine, Steven formulates "The Inoue Kikuko principle: any character voiced by Inoue Kikuko must be hated," and supports the case with a list of "repulsive" characters, including Chitose Hibiya from Chobits. Mrs. Inoue also plays Ordeena in Figure 17, and indeed she's set up to be hated initially although turns around later. What is his problem with Chitose Hibiya though? I suppose it has something to do with her failure as a "mother", but it's personal, not universal; it cannot support a principle. I suppose the same can be said about Belldandy, but I'm reserving judgement because I'm not very familiar with the OMG franchize.