As seen at Wakaranai, MyAnimeList is a yet another attempt at creating an anime list site. This is not anything new, for example ANN has this feature as well, here's one list I know: Nanobot. Another example is AnimeSeen. Finally there's a number of ad-hoc lists. Seems like getting crowded, or is it?
At this moment, ANN is the oldest and clunkiest, and MyAnimeList is prettiest (maybe too much, in MySpace sort of way). Still, while competitors snap on ANN's heels, neither of them is acceptable for my personal use. When I visit a list, I want to see two things: rating and blurb. But neither AnimeSeen nor MyAnimeList provide the blurb as the first class data item, so both are useless for me. What is intresting, guru3 made provision for blurbs in early versions of AnimeSeen, but somehow it disappeared along the way. This leaves ANN the unmatched king of the field, despite the site being fairly retarted.