Anime fans under Impz's microscope

Published: Thu 25 October 2007
By Author

In meta.

One thing which looks immediately fishy in the in-post summary is the preposterously low 9% attrition rate on top of 338 participation count. I am quite certain that it arises from the self-selection, e.g. Impz first asked blog readers to contact him if they were interested. Only then they were given surveys. That's where the attrition happened really.

Also, I just can't stand this sort of thing: "A majority of the respondents (81.2%) were interested to adopt anime VOD if it was reasonably priced." Frankly, this is useless. Firstly, the vast majority of consumers lie, intentionally or not. For example, I love to brag how I support the industry. I even believe in it. But one rack at Astro's place contains more DVDs than all of my boxes. Who's supporting the industry? Perception is very far from reality, and the only thing you really can measure is what they actually pay instead of claiming to pay.

Aside from respondents' delusions, the question is framed too vaguely. Does that VOD include DRM-free downloads? Or is it streaming only? If the latter, is there a Linux client? Or just crappy Flash applet? Is it a hardware solution in a set-top box? It's not even mentioned in survey questions, it seems.

Anyway, the paper is just a way for Impz to get his grade, it's not really an attempt at meaningful research, so the shortcomings of it are moot (as long as Impz knows what they are).

