Busy as I am, I cannot pass it when someone talks Manabi Straight. Today, it's Suguru of Dame-dame.
(Exhibit A: Yoakena's Cabbage of Doom)
My God, people, give it a rest already. The cabbage/cantelope wasn't that bad. Sure, there was a lot of crap in Crescent Love's animation (especially the appalling density of defects), but for the life of me I cannot see why everyone is hung upon the goddamn vegefruit.
I'd say even for my top ten anime series of all time, Manabi would still make the cut.
Indeed. Actually makes top 3 in my list.
The gradient hair was actually pretty cool-looking once I got used to it, and the characters' expressions were done particularly well, which makes a huge difference both in the funny and dramatic parts. If you don't believe me, watch episode 3 of the TV broadcast of Yoakena--when the character's expressions are drawn so badly you can't tell if someone's embarrassed, angry, surprised, or constipated it really takes a lot of enjoyment out of watching the show.
I ROFLed. But I think I'm detecting Suguru's favourite punching bag. Frankly, I was disappointed too, but you know... Anyway, back to Manabi.
But my biggest complaint is--it's 4:3. Seriously, what other anime is in a 4:3 aspect ratio and not 16:9 widescreen these days?
This surprised me too. And the DVDs are 4:3 as well.
Overall, [...] to sum it up, it's a story of a group of girls who become best friends, work together for a common goal, and get a first taste of the politics and challenges of adulthood. It's the anime series you'd have students at Otaku business schools watch to learn about leadership.
Tru dat. Although, personally, I hate all things political and I wish there was an anime with Manabi level of storytelling, only about something... else. To make it worse for me, the way "leadership" is promoted in American schools is truly disgusting. Not to detract anything from Manabi, of course, it's just my personal hangups.
It's got a winning combination of heart, comedy, and drama. I'm sure there are some that will find Manabi a little overly dramatic, like the scene where Manabi signs the school song surrounded by imaginary sakura, or Mei floats into the student council room in spirit as the team works on the presentation. Maybe it is over-the-top, but for me somehow it really just works.
Some of it was a bit overdone, I agree, but the wind and Manami's visions just knocked my socks off.

Takako's, too. It was worth the price of admission.