I finally got around to looking at BOST. Unfortunately, there was nothing to buy. The Keitai Shoujo is free of charge for now, and the other titles are not available in America. The flash video itself works well enough. The quality is about what we were getting with fansubs in 2002.
The only downside so far is that taking screenshots for a blog is a chore.
After watching an episode, I am left with a strong suspicion that I'm missing something fundamental about the way BOST works, because firstly Rin has essentially no screen time, yet she's represented extensively in the OP, and secondly this is her character blurb:
She is a cell phone spirit of sorts, who supports Hiro's love life. Her appearance is that of a little girl, but she is actually her owner's cell phone given form, with all of its original functionality intact. Her mission is to fulfill her owner's love within a set amount of time. She declares to Hiro that if this mission is not completed in time, her very existence (along with Hiro's cell phone) will be destroyed. Along with performing her duties as a cell phone, Rin also encourages Hiro when he is in need, and reports schoolgirl data to him.
Reminds me of Video Girl Ai for some reason. Anyway, this all seems to mean that an "ep.0" has to exist, in which Rin meets Hiro, but it's not anywhere on the BOST's website.

The missing episode syndrome is double unfortunate because I have already pegged Rin as my favourite character and then she gets no screen time. Disappointing!
The episode length was disappointing too, although not by itself. After all, a run of the mill DVD in America ends with $6 per episode, give and take (unless it's a thinpack). With $2 for 6 minutes, BOST ends costing the same. It is, of course, a hybrid of a rental and a PPV, so there's no same value, but regardless the price is in the ballpark. I actually would pay that much to see something outstanding now and again. So, I don't feel wronged in regard of getting value for the money.
What is disappointing, however, is the way girls are presented. To Heart was built according to the same formula, and a 24-minute episode of it was barely enough to get to know characters. Aoi alone would fill a 6-episode OVA, I daresay. Doing the same in 6 minutes is insane! Well, I know about the existence of speed-dating, but perhaps that's insane too.
By the way, teasers of Miya fanservice were amazing. She seems set to carry the vote easily, unless she's badly animated.