Impz was busy doing the real research, and produced these insights:
The average number of links for a blog is 3.95. Considering the amount of blogs in the analysis, the amount of links is a good indication on the lack of interactivity within the community in terms of links. [...] Many small bloggers do link to the big blogs, but they do not get a link back that will generate some traffic for them.
Honestly, it's nothing new for anyone involved, only now it was somehow quantified.
BTW, one of the most linked blogs in Impz's data is Matthew's, which is almost, although not quite as dead as Sama-Zama. Impz says he used links from May to August 2007, the period during which Matthew made exactly one post, on July 20. I'm not saying that Impz is cooking his data like Michael Bellesiles, but something is fishy. Perhaps sploggers skewed the counts.
UPDATE 2007/12/17: I touched bases with Impz on IRC, and he clarified how the data were collected. The links did not have to be added after May, just whatever was found after May was counted. Presumably, in Matthew case, all the ancient blogroll links counted. Impz also mentioned that he ran the same excercise a year ago, and Matthew's links declined by 1/3 since then, as expected. So it looks plausible.