DS rants on the topic of sub vs. dub, writes a couple of mildly interesting things. However, there's one point where he's mistaken, I reckon:
As for subs, I know that tj han wrote a while back on what’s the point of subtitles if you can’t understand Japanese anyway. Well, besides the fact that the human brain has an amazing capacity to read subtitles and process it as though they have actually heard it, there is a lot a non-Japanese speaker can get in terms of intonation, and anyone whose watched a little bit is going to pick up names and that basic Japanese vocab that, when endlessly repeated, becomes the mark of the weaboo.
Perhaps DS' own mind has that amazing capacity, but I know with absolute certainty that I miss things because I read subtitles. Now, certainly, my own mental bandwidth may be below average, but then again maybe not. I made this point before.