BOST move over! The heavy hitter is in town:
So when ADV quietly announced their new Anime Network online streaming video service, I thought it was best news to come from the industry since the launch of the Tokyopop’s “Authentic Manga” line.
Quetly announced indeed. I did not know about this until I read the above.
I think that if this can be watched at all, it can blow BOST out of the water. Firstly, most people have an unlimited tolerance for ads. Remember how many buy Disney DVDs with non-skippable ads. So, ad-supported services will always win. Add to it the fact that BOST is hella expensive. I can hear the whining "i'm too poor to pay but i'm entitled to watch shows for which i don't wanna pay" already. And most importantly, just ask yourself if you'd rather be watching Keitai Shoujo or Gurren-Lagann? Two words: Yoko's chest (she also has a gun).
UPDATE: I have a suggestion for Mr. Kellis: ask a friend to install a proxy (a datagram-based VPN would be the best for trans-pacific performance, but SOCKS will work as a quick fix). I suspect that Maestro would not look kindly on using Moe Check's own server for this purpose, or you would not even need a friend.