Seen at DbD:
I’m looking for superior animation. I’m looking for things like “How well do they make use of HDTV?”, “How many frames are animated?”, “Does the background move?”, “When a character speaks, do they redraw the whole character or just the face/mouth?”, etc. Some studios are really good at hiding their animation shortcuts, but I’m also not too bad at picking them out (after seeing thousands of frames of these, of course). There’s also bad drawing (like quality cabbage), bad animation (like the character-like statues in Kimikiss), and an unholy combination of the two (Gun Musashi, Neuro, Xenoglossia). There’s also good drawing (Black Lagoon), good animation (Minami-ke), and an unholy combination of the two (Haruhi Suzumiya, Gigantic Formula, Escaflowne).
This is very curious for me because I made a call for Kimikiss over Clannad. Another common complaint is the lack of blinking. I'm certainly going to have a harder look at the animation of motion.

On the second thought, I liked the art of Xenoglossia. You just look at that eye, it's the best anime has to offer across the board. Perhaps my taste is just different from Jason's.
Jason probably thinks that he made himself a name with references to sports, although it's equally possible that AoMM/DbD succeeded despite them. Oddly enough, I know how to spell Favre's name, because he appeared in a guest strip of online comic PvP. In it, Jase yells at TV, "Favre, what are you doing?!", and in the next frame Favre sits with them on the couch and says, "Sorry guys, my finger slipped [from the Xbox controller]". The analogy above was good, however, because it still works even if you don't know Favre.After seeing Brett Farve play over the last decade, he had a great early career (along with a Super Bowl win), but then he started getting old and just started chucking the ball without care. More than one person thought he was washed up. Then 2007 came along, and it was like we got back age 28 Brett Farve instead of age 38. Gainax busted out of the gates with the landmark Evangelion, which influence still pervades anime today, followed it up with the fantastic Kare Kano, FLCL, Ebichu, and Mahoromatic, and then proceeded to mail in series like He Is My Master and Konomini. It’s scary the parallels between the two, especially with the “Who the fuck do you think we are?” power play of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann in 2007 for Gainax. The Absolutely Farvian tier is very dangerous just because they can submit a pantheon performance even better than The Pantheon tier, but they can also toss game-ending interceptions in the red zone. Still, I absolutely would not bet against this tier.

Jason omitted UFOtable, which is too bad. I think it would probably climb up the ranks quite nicely on the strength of Shinobu's body. Also, they invented the gradient hair in Manabi.