I'm going to break my rule not to blog before the shock from the series wears off, and report on Fate/stay Night as finished just now.

The love story was great. I waited for a misstep, and it never happened. Lots of cheesy plot moves, but I don't care. The core was good.
Liked: Yes.
Rewatch: Probably not.
Below, I'm going to spoil.

I'm not getting it... Bedivere is a woman too? Also, what has happened to the sheath?

Comedy was simple, but well done, and helped to carry the show quite a bit. The screenshot above is of Saber cooking. For some reason, it reminded me of Mahoro using her combat skills in the kitchen, despite opposite results.

I'm displeased a little that Rin faded by the end, but I suppose that's just the way it is.

Avatar told me that Rin guessed wrong: Archer wasn't a knight under Saber alias Arthur. Rin, however, observed correctly that Archer knew Saber. It's not explained in the anime, but according to a game he is actually... Emiya. Apparently, a Servant can be summoned from the future as well as from the past. Watching how the boy has grown by the end of the series, I can believe it.