Prompted by certain circumstances, I managed to sit through another episode of Myself;Yourself. I had an episode squirreled away in a dark corner of my home filesystem back when the show aired.

Thus far the fun part was listening to various tidbits. For example, Aoi above eschews "onaji" for "osoroide kawaii deshou" (揃う(そろう) can mean "to be gathered into a complete set", among other things).

The ability of creators to take a tired cliche and torture it amazes me. Mel Brooks would find it hard to produce a farce of the magnitude accomplished by end of the scene.
The character designs continue to weird me out, but I know that it's only a matter of getting used to them. Manabi was the same. Heck, nobody remembers it, but Banner was the same. The animation is great; the preferred corner-cutting technique is a pan-over-still, thank heavens.
One final note: I had no idea that a shoujo harem was possible. Live and learn. I should not have been surprised, because only one can be a hokage too. So if a male-prevalent shounen can exist, why not a symmetric arrangement?