Shugo Chara had the benefit of praise by Jeff Lawson, so I had high hopes. Unfortunately, it did not quite deliver for me. It was nice, yet somehow... overly patterned? Maybe I'm being too picky.
Once, we hit a filler episode, where shugo senshi try to find who stole their cake. They found an excuse to transform. A villain team's henchman was struck and flew away like Team Rocket. And the culprit was... some kind of pet robot thing. It was lonely, see. All right, filler episodes in Naruto often were pretty bad too, so perhaps it's just not fair. But then, what about the trap (pictured)?

Or have I became too jaded for a naive clone of Sailor Moon with multipolar romance? Soon I'll start watching NANA and REC... That would be sad.
By the way, at TAF they had a relationship diagram at the wall. I wish someone had done the same for Kimikiss. It would be interesting.

Transformation sequences were nice, Sailor Moon nice. But that's about it. I think I'll pass. Random selection did this show no favours.