In comments at Aziz's Nick mentioned that Legend of the Galactic Heroes comes in Japan on 46 DVDs. That's about the size of classic Naruto before the big fillers start, maybe a bit less. J.P. has watched it all.
Seen at Minaide Hazukashii:
I usually describe LoGH as the following: 5 episodes discussing political science, followed by 3 episodes planning a naval battle, followed by 2 episodes for the battle. Then repeat that for another 100 episodes.
This is followed by a rather interesting wall of text, interspersed with strategically subtitled screencaps, to end with:
Honestly, there’s so much to say about this show that I’ve only really scratched the surface with this post. I could probably write a follow up to it later about everything else that popped into my head.
Who am I kidding trying to quote? Just read it all.