Dwane Day reviews what again?

It things continue the same way, this is going to be a fixture at Ani-nouto. In the latest installment, Dwane reviews Moonlight Mile, a series even more solidly forgotten than his previous find, Freedom (which is currently being hyped by its producers at least).

The executive summary is "do not watch":

Eight episodes of neato spaceships in a future that will never exist may be bad for the soul, but Moonlight Mile’s primary offense is that it’s dull. The only reason to continue is because of the promise in the opening credits of dramatic action‒well, a war, anyway‒on the surface of the Moon.

For fans of escapist, near-future science fiction‒and I’ll admit that it’s one of my entertainment vices‒Moonlight Mile is tolerable, if not very engaging. We can hope for this kind of future, although we certainly want it to be populated by a better class of heroes than Gorou.

He took one for the team.

BTW, he continues to ignore Rocket Girls:

There have also been a handful of relatively recent Japanese anime series set in the not-too-distant future depicting reasonably realistic visions of humanity’s future in space. These include Planetes, Freedom, and the amazing Cowboy Bebop. Now we can add another title to the list, Moonlight Mile.

I understand that he does not want to list unreleased series, but he should at least make it explicit. Fortunately, the Bandai Entertainment is working to rectify that.

