DiGiKerot has the news:
Those who follow R1 licensing news may or may not be aware that Right Stuf are doing another of those timed license announcement things, due to be revealed today. Well, it was supposed to be, anyway - apparently they slipped up and for a short while last night the page was redirecting to aria.rightstuf.com. There’s nothing there at the moment, but I guess that they’ve licensed, well, Aria.
I don't quite understand what was related to exploding heads in Aria. Perhaps Aria was a different hint out of the four.
QUICK UPDATE: The new set of riddles:
- This one is done. Now the wait comes for the announcement. April showers bring...
- This one's getting closer, (hopefully last) round of drafts exchanged.
- The Dark Lord's Binge continues with this one, which is looking good.
- And if this last thing goes through, everyone will cheer. Hopefully my hard work will pay off.
Unfortunately they are nearly useless for tracking. All I can tell, the Cheer remained and probably the third too. Suddenly my interest waned.
UPDATE: Someone is happy.