Apparently, one series I watched on pirate cable TV back in the 1980s was Macron 1 (aka Sengoku Majin GouShougun). I say "apparently" because most Web sources say that the plot was that of a test pilot teleporting across dimensions and then a few people in "our" dimension join another people in "other" dimension and they fight bad guys together (or something to that effect). However, I remember something different: a boy has some magic latent inside, so Team Good protects him from Team Bad, until in the last episode the boy evolves like a Pokemon and p0wns the bad guys. Eventually I figured that cable pirates broadcasted the Japanese version, but it was called "Macron One", the title of the American rework.

An entry at someone's LJ corraborates the guess, and also has links to a couple of clips. Pay attention to the dub-over-dub and you can hear the remnants of the original Japanese.
It used to be fashionable to rework anime significantly for American releases, and not just to remove nudity. GoShogun and its much more famous cousin Macross were combined with other shows [sic], and Star Sherrifs had a storyline added from scratch (according to Wikipedia anyway): that of Jessie's love and betrayal. Fans usually shun those reworks, and it looks to me that Macron 1 suffered from it indeed. But Jessie's story was the only element of Star Sherrifs that I thought was worth interest. Exception confirming the rule?