お袋(おふくろ)は違うけど | ofukuro wa chigau kedo == [Our] mothers are different though.
Just how many words do they have for "mother"?

BTW, why is it that people keep bitching about Gonzo? Tower of Druaga is awesome (at least in low resolution).

So it has dumb geometry errors. But so does Macross F!

The computer graphic is pretty obnoxious, but it's better than in Vandread and is not commonplace. In fact, only one scene was really bad so far.

I really cannot understand. How can anyone resist the LOL Magic Sheep?
UPDATE: TJ explains:
So why do people hate GONZO? It is because GONZO makes shit shows, complains that they have no money to make good shows, then makes record-breakingly expensive shit shows like Afro Samurai, cancels would-be good shows like Mardock Scramble, does not make Gate Keepers sequels, inserts panty shots into Full Metal Panic, destroys original material in adapting and worst of all, betrayed our love built up through the classics of Last Exile, Gatekeepers, Vandread etc with the likes of Drago "JINNN GIOOOO" Naught, Glass "break this shit" Fleet and Afro "Black Man with sword chopping things up" Samurai.
But... According to real numbers, Afro Samurai sold extremely well. Perhaps it was justified? Not that I would ever want to watch it, but it has real money in it.