
E-mail mystery

I don't know what happened, but apparently I did something to my readers: there was no e-mail recently, just astroturfing spam. Is everyone insulted by something, or other reason? Number of links continues to grow though.


I was under impression that AB's TOS prohibited touching porn, but Kana business demonstrated that it's not the case. Also, I received official clarification from Maestro, which demarked new boundaries. If anyone feels outraged about the unfolding thematic expansion, it's a good time to use that forgotten feedback mechanism...


I see that AB started using more targeted and cute ads. Good thing too, I was getting bored by the J-list. Currently, the little square on the left deals with Aria release by TRSI, which I heard was a very good deal with the preorder. Unfortunately, I swore off buying DVDs cold and since I haven't seen any fansubs, I'm waiting for Netflix... So no preorders here. But the ad is there to tempt me.

More ads

As soon as Maestro has a moment, I'll have banner ads. We discussed this before, so sorry. I compacted the theme in preparation. Amazing how much space was wasted, let's put something nice into there. Although... The current ad for fanlib confuses me. At least the business model of J-list was rather obvious.

