Anime Almanac on Lucky Star

After certain preparation, Scott produced a magnum opus:

Lucky Star is not the second coming of Christ.

It’s not even a particularly good show.

Sure... But then, by way of explanation:

The comedy is completely hit-or-miss, and when the show hits, it hits hard. The scene where Tsukasa attempts to use a cell phone (pictured below) is probably one of the funniest sequences ever to be animated. As is the cosplay cafe scene, which I will mention again later on in this post. And for the most part, the ending “Lucky Channel” sequences, which are completely separate from the main story line, always deliver some great bouts of comedy.

I see what the problem is. The cellphone segment was overlong, and made me roll my eyes towards the end. Cosplay cafe made me shiver, I think I fast-forwarded most of it in disgust. And as for the Lucky Channel, I also (with other bloggers I don't remember) dreaded the cat, because it heralded the torture by way of idiocy (other than Shiraishi's rant for tsundere: that was glorious).

Lucky Star, as I mentioned before, consists of disjoint segments aimed differently. It's hard to imagine anyone liking everything; some will like more segments, some will like less. Scott's tastes matched a small number of them. My sympathies.

In my opinion, Haruhi Suzumiya was the best thing to happen to anime since Evangelion back in mid-90’s.

To each his own, I say.

He does make a good point, however:

This hype machine has gotten ahold of the entire otaku community, and it has gotten to the point of insanity by now. Every single issue of Comp Heroine since then has featured Lucky Star on the cover and has had a shit load of Lucky Star posters, post cards, cell phone trinkets, drama CDs, and other junk included. The photo at the top of this entry shows all the Lucky Star crap I got from just three issues of the magazine over the past year!

Indeed, those who only hung out online might not know, but it was pretty bad, perhaps out of proportion with the show. If only Azumanga received half of that promotional budget.

