I did not like the ep.05 at all. To have a filler so early in the show is just wrong, jokes were utterly retarded. Only some things were amusing, for example Mulitply Coopa Trap. BTW, is this just me, or Coopa's facial distortion was right from DBZ? I swear I saw either Trunks or Goten doing it.

Our facial distortion expert passed it for some reason (he has other screenshots and total spoilers though). Also, the comparison with Onsokumaru was a good call.
Kurogane took an opposite position as well:
This episode was a fucking riot, with all the random traps and stuff. Those who loved the madness of episode one would definitely love this episode with all it’s hijinks.
It takes all kinds, I guess. But now I hope for the show to get back on track as soon as possible.