Check out the recent results from Google Trends for "anime, hentai":

What does this mean? I think the writing is on the wall for animebloggers: sex it up or die.
BTW, I mentioned before how I introduced buddies from my jeep club (actually, "get out into a desert and drink while watching porn" club) to anime, by showing them Dragon Half. The shock was pretty good. But better yet, it caused at least one of them to turn to hentai big way. He said, plain anime never kept his interest, but tentacles... those were intriguing.
QUICK UPDATE: Mike noticed that, outside of the screencap above, Google reports that Philippinians [*] are first in the world in hentai. Are they perverts? Well, a trend for "anime, hentai, porn" shows that Philippines is the only country in the world which looks for more anime than porn (no, seriously: the data tells that).
[*] UPDATE: Mike informed me on IRC that the country of Philippines is populated by Filipino. Is he pulling my leg or what? Sounds just crazy enough to be true...