I don't want to call it "food porn", and unfortunately, "foodservice" means something else, so here we just have food. Nothing quite as intricate as food in Azumanga, but nice nonetheless. We start with perhaps not the best drawing ever, but the one to represent something special:

Dual: Shark fin soup, by Mitsuki II. She is amazing, and so is the soup.
A collection of traditional meals follows.

ef (this is probably Miyako's handiwork).

Figure 17 (half-eaten).

Fate/stay night: Not the best screencap, unfortunately. By Sakura.

Manabi Straight Special: Very strange fish with cross-cuts.

Shingu: Although most of the show features simplified animation, someone certainly put care into this.

Shuffle: Note the plating excess. By Kaede.

Dual: Getting westernized a bit.
Now, a couple of variety items.

Myself;Yourself: Some oddball salad.

Sketchbook: Udon, it looks like (possibly the super-spicy one).
UPDATE: Forgot a couple more images prepared elsewhere.

Unknown (if anyone recognizes this, please e-mail me).

Ai yori Aoshi: The first supper by Aoi for Kaoru.