TJ says that Speed Racer rules and it's just the bitter moviegoers who cling to their guns and their religion... well, something like that anyway (RIUVA is a team blog as well, but yes, TJ penned the post). I think he may have a point, but in any case everyone is welcome to read for themselves. One of his arguments jumped out to me as a little weak though:
Even the otaku community is just as bad, with the likes of Darker than Black overlooked in way of intellectual gems like Lucky Star and Nanoha in terms of ratings and popularity.
A couple of months ago, someone on IRC mentioned how he confronted supposed lovers of guro, who were into Bleach, in a local anime club. He showed them Darker than Black, and they could not continue after it opened with a character breaking his own fingers with the associated sound effects. His implication was that Bleach is no guro and guro is no Bleach, but my point here is, there may have been legitimate reasons to pass on DtB. What if the majority is not into sado-mazo, even an intellectual one?
Mind though, TJ's odd swipes agains Lucky Star do not prove that Speed Racer sucked. It's just strange that he thought it necessary to tack this non-sequintur to the end of the article.
FACTUAL UPDATE 2008/05/18: Speed Racer is 10 times better than Iron Man.