For an anime I'm supposedly dropping, I pay too much attention to Strike Witches. I'm not alone though. Whatever the fetish is, something caught a few imaginations in it. Check out the picture:

Google was unable to crack the "luftsieg", which I take a sign of being written in Gelman or Doitchi instead of German [see below — Author]. In any case, Hartmann-chan is being congratulated on her 200th victory. Of course individual victories are completely ridiculous in the context of Strike Witches, where witches attack Neroi capital ships, but hey, it's in good fun. The lady with the camera is based of Gerhard Barkhorn, who was at a time Erich Hartmann's CO. In the anime, Wilcke is the CO (she is holding the wreath and looks somewhat displeased).
Figures in the background almost look stolen from an old photograph, but in this case I don't think I saw it. It would be curious to identify...
UPDATE: Helpful people at #animedvd confirmed that "luftsieg" is a real word.
UPDATE 2008/11/23: Apparently, it's not fanart, but a scan from an artbook.