This is the second time when I watch a series because of the top rotation at Chizumatic. The first was Cosplay Complex, and what a disaster it was. I thought the lesson well taken, but one picture was just irresistible.

I still consider Megumi of Muteki Kanban Musume the most beautiful character design I have seen, but Yuri Kurosu of Magikano is in the same league (at the least). Unfortunately, she's a bit of a comic relief.

The show overall emits a strong stink of School Rumble, but since it's not as endless, I hope for the better.
UPDATE: Aroduc says:
<Aroduc> Zait
<Aroduc> I have bad news
<Aroduc> Magikano has one of the worst endings thinkable
<Aroduc> I think it's a great show until those last 2-3 episodes though
<Aroduc> But the ending is... just... well... as far as endings go, it manages about a -3/10
<Aroduc> It's not even that the characters do anything that makes you hate them
<Aroduc> It's that the writers do
Consensus seems to be, abandon the show with 2 episodes to go.
UPDATE: Steven disagrees, or, rather, stands by his earlier evaluation. I pride myself in being spoiler-proof, but this time I hesitate to open the spoiler tag.