Bending to the persuasiveness of IRC, and having read what Aroduc had to say, I checked out the first episode of Zettai Karen Children. The series does not appear like anything for me to watch, but it's absolutely amazing.

The first thing that jumps out is the art and animation. I don't know what budget the show has, but it cannot be small: there is too much moving detail. The most striking part is the character design, which looks like something out of printed manga, only animated. The 3D is not completely blended, but it's inoffensive enough (and their helicopter flies properly: belly down). The thin confining lines are obviously designed to be experienced in HD.

The premise seems superficially similar to PowerPuff Girls, at least initially. Unfortunately, it is, for the lack of a better term, updated to modern sensibilities, which means faggotry flowing thick. Thicker than I would like, anyway. And with 52 episodes scheduled, the series is likely to be episodic.

We know of shows that started equally strongly only to sag later (I'm thinking Soul Eater here), but what I saw is a season's highlight, just on the basis of innovation in animation alone.
SMALL UPDATE: About the only bad thing I can say about the show at this point is that the girls are not as evenly balanced as Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles were. Kaoru stole the show all for herself, which I think is weak writing due to pandering (voiced by Aya Hirano, BTW). You can see from the minisculity of the complaint just how good this shit is.