Kuro's post about the latest GLPW mentions how "Lord Genome's resemblance to Nia when he was young is a bit disturbing to say at least." This reminds me about an unpublished post of mine, which ran:
I pooh-pooed the GLPW as a bunch of amusing, but derivative videos until I saw the portrait of young Lord Genome.
For some reason, it made me to reconsider the whole excercise in officially commissioned fanfics and fanart. I'm not planning on buying any light novels or anything (which would be a tantamount to something as dumb as Star Wars literature), but the enterprise acquired new respect in my eyes.
It wasn't publiched at the time because I found no way to make the huge picture smaller without losing important details such as the four generals, all of whom are present in the picture.
Here's how the little Genome looks in the video that Kuro embedded:

What's up with the dolphin flopping around the pedestal?