It's not entirely smooth sailing, but what bloggers said was true: it's about girls being friends (and enemies, but it's not very intense).
My biggest gripe is the weird art, which sometimes abates, sometimes comes in full force. Those eyes, they're just bad.
I deal with the issue by ignoring the visuals and seeing stick figures in my mind's eye. Dialog drives the show. Marimite is not heavy on meaningful body language and subtle facial expressions. Surprising, really.
UPDATE: The 4th season looks like a significant improvement, despite keeping the side-pointing eyelashes:
In fact, DEEN offers really kickass reimaginings of the original design:
Not sure how true to the anime these are, and what season this is supposed to be. But they are gorgeous.
QUICKIE: Owen asked on IRC: "did you draw those yourself in Linux's equivalent of MS Paint"? This is so cold. But as a matter of fact, yes, it's my first digital drawing...