The thing with Simoun is that, really, there isn’t any kind of real story to it. Events only really happen in this show in order to force the characters into particular situations for the sake of inter-character drama - it’s a show which revolves entirely around it’s ensemble cast interacting rather than trying to build any kind of real narrative. [...]
I don't think I saw anyone taking this track regarding Simoun before. And then there's this:
Ultimately, I just think I’m a little frustrated that, having watched a show that is generally well known for it’s characterisation, kind of forgets that the key to an ensemble show is that you actually need to successfully juggle things between the characters. Simoun frequently feels like it’s only juggling with one ball. I guess I was expecting more than what I got, and it fell short of expectations. I don’t really think it helped that I was sporadically re-watching episodes of Shingu around watching Simoun, and whilst they are very different shows, Shingu just manages to do so many things right that most shows pale into comparison - in this case, it really does do a far better job of managing its cast than Simoun does.
Well, Shingu is Tatsuo Sato's finest work after all.
Hashi-hime mentions in comments that she has never seen Shingu. It's like not seeing Evangelion. And I'd like to know what Princess thinks about Masumi Asano as Harumi Mineo. On the other hand, I skipped Simoun, so I guess it all balances out.