Nodame is a tough object for this excercise, because it produced a record number of screencaps: 646 (for a comparison, in Gurren-Lagann I only thought the frame remarkable enough to capture 240 times). With wittling so ruthless there's a real danger to lose the essence of the anime. It's going to be a very biased gallery: Nodame as I saw it.
Nodame is full of lulz and it was quite hard for me to let go of them, to trim the gallery down to just one. Trust me, this moment was hilarious. And the sequence before it, too.
Sometimes Nodame makes a different sort of face. I am amazed that she still looks like herself though. J.C.Staff has some good animators.
Mine's contribution to the world of the classical music, rock style. It was awesome. Also, which Orchestra was the best: S or R*? I am totally for S.
Strength of Nodame is in characters, so I took quite a number of close-ups. This is Saiko, who made enough of an impression on me that I violated the house rules of the blog.
When Saiko and Nodame met in the bathroom, it was like watching a movie, not a lulzy series. Saiko was a fool to fail her chance, but came out stronger for it. It's quite admirable.
Next close-up: Kuroki. What can you tell about his character from one frame? Quite a lot, actually. He's a silent type.
Unlike Kuroki, Kyora's close-up is not representative... But it was just too funny to see her making faces. BTW, another strongwoman.
Although they had virtually no import on the story, these club women tickled my fancy like nothing else (especially the second from the right).
In passing, Milch is great in his own way. A complex character.
But enough with close-ups. Here's the Orchestra S playing Gershwin... with Nodame!
Nomikai is a savage ritual, I swear.
Finally, the special, Azumanga-level food. Since Miki Sakuma has progressed to director-level positions, it must be someone else. But still, the similarity is obvious.