Kabitzin on the Birdy remake

Sea Slugs Team:

The story is complete rubbish. The scourge of the universe turns out to be an anti-social ball of phlegm and we get a reset resolution at the end. []

[Among the characters,] The real problem was obviously Tsutomu. His whining is so annoying through the entire series and he doesn’t do anything useful all series long. Tsutomu’s interference causes all the problems that Birdy has to clean up, and his eventual sacrifice is cheapened by the fact that it is so easy to get your body repaired. You don’t even have to do physical therapy (BTW, I don’t understand why he doesn’t get Lasik while he is being repaired). Then after all that talk of love for Sayaka he just let her go and didn’t really care. Tsutomu bedeviled me through the entire series and he pretty much insured I won’t watch the sequel.


