I have discovered yet another Lelangir's blog (is this some kind of a game he's playing with us?) (via saturnine on IRC). This one has a collection of reactions to Ami:
Xebek: [Ami is], definitely, from what I’ve seen, a fan favorite. Ami has actually really surprised me. When she was first introduced I disliked her, the whole lying about who she was kind of irked me. However these two episodes of the beach villa arc kind of made me change my mind.
I saw right through it in ep.7.
Kurogane: [ep.10] turned out to be more of an Ami episode than anything. I love how the director is intentionally making her real feelings being vague. It kinda evokes a certain amount of pathos in me towards her. Is she actually teasing Ryuuji just for the sake of teasing him? Or has she really fallen for him? The conversation with Ryuuji about being “equals” also was a masterful touch of almost touching her real feelings but not quite there yet. The use of metaphors in this series is seriously winning me over.
Indeed, Ami is a like Milch in that regard.