Owen on Mnemosyne

Apropos Funi's traditional failure to license anything that I would buy, here's what my database refers for Mnemosyne:

Take the random chaos of Gantz, the gore, sex, and plot of Bible Black, the deep symbolism and raped mythology of Evangelion, a bit of cyberpunk ala Real Drive, a bit of immortal love ala Kurozuka, Dragonaut's QUALITY moments that are made for humorous blog screenshots, and H2O's utter failure of an ending. Cover everything with a generous helping of pointless, gratuitous, lesbian sex after the fashion of Shoujo Sect, and bake for 45 minutes. Voila!

Funny how Kodomo no Jikan is off limits for America, but this is a-ok.

UPDATE: In comments:

The pity of Mnemosyne is that it's really quite good. The terrible cruelty that flies around the show, however, makes it difficult for anybody with a soul to watch.

(by Wonderduck)

