He is right, the kick is possible. I know this from experience without doing any calculations. However, anyone who's any good is smarter than that. There's no power in it at the top end of one's reach. What she should have done (or creators should've done if they cared for the realism) is turn the bottom foot so thaStill, t toes face directly away from the target.
BTW, you know what has a good basic fight? To Heart.
UPDATE: LELANGIR says (no permalink) "prolly from his dau-OHSHI". He's close, but no cigar. We went to the same dojo, of course. But Ana-sempai was majorly into spin kicks and various tricks, not so much into high kicks. Also, she's almost as tall as I am, so she never needed to overwork in this regard. Still, I had the experience of sparring with some rather ambitious girls of various ranks (up to 3rd in fact) and of various sizes.