I proclaimed previously that I will watch K-ON if the ending does not suck. After all, it's the only anime to make an appearance at Lawson's winter garden, so that counts for something, right? Do bloggers help me to decide? Let's go down the feedlist.
Omo: So many words, so little help. The piece is well written, but focuses elsewhere.
Crusader (de-facto chief of THAT with Impz gone to the real life): Does not tell me what I really need, but good spoilers. Seems vaguely interesting, at least.
Mind you, I'm well aware that given Tsumugi's inclinations, it would be highly disingenuous of me to ever consider her Mai Waifu material.
Lesbians in my anime? Do not want. Although, it may be just yuri-colored goggles. Neutral result, not helping with the ending.
Tsuiteru (of Metahorn): Screencaps only, but actually the three final ones were helpful to get a sense of the ending.
Ascaloth (of RIUVA): Pretty much the same as the above. I think I get the idea that there was no story to complete in the first place.
And finally, Animewriter:
Well, I felt this episode ended? K-On! in a most enjoyable manner. While Mio might have been every ones moe moe princess this series was really about Yui (the heart and soul of the K-On! club) and her personal growth and how she affected the other girls.
Now we're talking.
Also, poor Mugi, they gave her personality almost no depth other than she’s a rich girl who like sweet things, and likes to watch girly bonding stuff.
I guess that kills Damien's innuendo, thanks.
Very well. I'll do it.
P.S. Detractors need not apply. I think nobody explained problems with K-ON better than Evirus and it wasn't enough to dissuade me.