K-ON begins

It's a smooth sailing so far. Evirus' rage against "retard moe" is not entirely baseless, but I do not see a strong case, because the cast of K-ON is not out to save the Universe. It's perfectly fine if Yui is the second coming of Tsukasa for the scope of life which is ahead of her.

The animation is not without issues indeed. If we want to build a progression of KyotoAni turning into A-1, it would go Haruhi -> Lucky Star -> K-ON. Of course, this omits inconvenient facts such as Clannad. My specific problems with K-ON are two: 1) fingers in the first few episodes, 2) large flat areas such as heads. I think they went too far.

BTW, one big surprise was Nodoka, in particular her voice (done by a complete unknown Chika Fujitou. Way too mature for her years, I'm swooning.

