Scamp on commentating

The way Moritheil thrawls Twitter for blog dorama and inevitably catches SVS may not be all that linkworthy, but check out this comment by Scamp:

I wasn’t aware anyone actually read what he wrote due to the fact none of his posts have any comments

What we have here is a personal attack against SVS that rests on a pile of iffy assumptions. First is that the popularity is everything, of course. Or why else to blog, right? And then, that comments reflect popularity. Moreover, they are assumed to be the only gauge of popularity. What's missing, or is perhaps implied, a suggestion how SVS does not enable comments precisely because their low number would place him low at the totem pole that Scamp imagines. The very ugliness of the religion of comments is on display here.

I'm almost afraid to reveal the secret of blog measurement to someone so obsessed about the race to comment counts, but it's possible to see (some of) links, with, for example, Google Blog Search. And sadly for Scamp, there are many results. Heck, there's even an easy service that puts a number of the pole slot to it: Technorati. As of this writing, Anime Almanac is 478 (while Ani-nouto is only 125 -- time to slit wrists! -- and the Cart's Driver is not even indexed). Surprise, it was not about comments.

As for reading the Almanac, then yes, I, for one, read it. Was a fan for years, actually, and I think I earned the right to talk about its author's "enormous talent for fail" and tendencies of self-aggrandizement. The way dorama drives bloggage, I rarely get to talk about Scott's dodged persistency and ability to self-reinvent the blog (with the "Daily Almanac" most recently), which is a pity. With all his faults he at least groks blogs and perhaps has something to teach his detractors.

