To add to Zyl's side-by-side for Divine (w/ Jaalin), THAT, and Aroduc, here's a shortlist of other episodics that I know about:
- Sea Slug Team - small set, but not afraid of long series like FMA. I thought Kabitzin wasn't known for episodics, but there was a quiet revolution there recently. Probably somone noticed the ad revenue that massive episodics bring.
- METANORN - the blog I thought was called "Meta Horn" (Kokidokom is having issues in recent days, just come back later).
- Hanners - another lonely blogger, but if he grabs it, he's pretty reliable.
Observe how everybody and their mother is blogging DRRR.
Interestingly enough, there's no leading episodic in the empire of Dasaku, or did I miss it? And yet, I never heard of any monetary problems there.
UPDATE: Zyl e-mailed that he only included BRWs (Badass Raw Watchers), thus THAT fell out. That's an interesting distinction.