It was an ordinary review (spoiling), with just one element that I want to address:
I was a little skeptic about that scene [presumably, the exchange of wedding vows — Author] because I thought the show would end with the two living happily ever after somewhere far away. It would be completely unrealistic and a bad example for teenagers (I sound old, I know). I was not only relief of how things turn out in the end. I was also mesmerized by how mature the ending was.
Bad example for teenagers? I keep being amazed by the way people keep underestimating and/or dismissing the capacity of the other. At least we do not have anyone saying "meh those dumb niggers" anymore, but "teenagers" are a fair game. Canne's own age makes it ironic, and the fun part is that the author is uncomfortable with the tar-brushing -- then promptly blames another other-group (the old) for the groupthink.
The only thing that could make it more delectable if a gamer-rights advocate did it, in the next post after an argument how teenagers are not affected by playing violent video games... but cannot be trusted to watch Toradora (if it included the "completely unrealistic" ending).
I suppose this discussion is bound to pop up whenever we are on topic.