While I was waiting for Haganai P to ship, I hit on Toradora P for a whirlwind tour, possibly for the last time. With the benefit of experience, I can tell that the writing was much more story-like in it. Haganai P is too goofy.

I think it was a stroke of luck for me. I remember how SDB burned on VNs by playing Tea Society of a Witch. And the Sturgeon's Law has to apply to VNs just like everything else.
One super-annoying property of games is how they slip out of our grasp with the obsolescence of platforms. Emulators only help with the most basic ones, but not with PSP. Eventually, all that's left of Todadora Portable is going to be a buch of screencaps (while anime is going to remain with us indefinitely, if we care to preserve it -- no thanks to DRM and pig-headed rights owners).
P.S. Title of this post refers to Ami's line.
UPDATE: Moogy related a narrative on #animeblogger, according to which Namco had such a great success with Toradora tie-in game, that they started cranking them out serially, with OreImo and Haganai being the result. I am not interested in Ore no Imouto ... at all, so I am not going to engage in proper research and historic overview, but expect a comparison of Haganai against Toradora shortly.