Katanagatari ends

Liked: Yes
Rewatch: Not likely

CKS was right, it is very Japanese, and not just in the ending. And I see now why Don denied it the standing near Haibane Renmei. Or maybe I don't. The endless brutality was wearisome and since the story was inseparable from the process of almost every character being killed I do not think I can judge it.

I'm going to do major spoilers now.

Possibly the fear of spoilers is why nobody wrote how Togame pulled an almost exact Reki reveal. Neither CKS nor Don did. Kuro spoils but he wasn't thinking about HR. Now the reveal being the same, the subsequent resolution was different. Reki was tested and passed, but Togame did not have that chance. Kuro is certain that she would fail ("I am glad"). I am not so sure. She pondered becoming a mother at some point, remember. Nisio Ishin thought better to leave this resolution ambiguous. His call, I suppose.

UPDATE: CKS leans into Kuro's camp, yet allows for uncertainty.

