
This was my first time applying a no-background vynil, and of course I did not know what I was doing. Behold:

The problem is, the tiny letters came off the backing improperly: they tried to stay on the paper. Thus, in parts they had paper backing under them, and elsewhere they were deformed. So, two lessons. One: pay attention to the decal size. This one is tiny. It's possible to order a larger one, but I missed it. Two: be extraordinarily vigilant and ready to help with a knife.

Certainly, Evirus is not going to add this to his Itasha picture collection at Pinterest, but this is the first time for me to have an anime sticker on my car, and I'm taking it slowly.

P.S. I forgot to mention that I feel like this is going to be obscure enough, like the big yellow "X", meaning of which eludes me even now. I figured out the yellow "railroad ties" in a blue square (spolier: they mean "gay"). The meaning of the "fox" logo is not so clear, but apparently it's a snowboarder. This might as well work of "anime". Does not have to be a cartoon face with saucer eyes.

UPDATE: Evirus humoured me, while Steven asked "what is a `speed stab'?". Oh, you. But yes, it does kinda look like that.

