The following announcement was posted at the official webpage (which is certain to disappear soon too, so there's no need to link it) — English language version:
[Important] Service Closing Announcement
We would like to deeply thank you all for continuing to use Barcode Kanojo
Regretably, the decision has been made to close all services of Barcode Kanojo on November 30th, Sunday 23:59 JST (14:59 UTC).We would like to especially thank all of the longtime users who have truly enjoyed Barcode Kanojo, and on behalf of the development and management teams we offer our sincere apologies about the closing of our service.
Here's what the end of ownership is like. Make no mistake, iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls, Kantai Collection, and Love Live School Idol Festival are all in the same boat.

I knew it was a lie when you said that, Penny.
UPDATE: Omo gloats on Twitter about the proper console-based iM@S being immortal when compared to that flash-in-the-pan Cinderella Girls thing.
Regarding Cinderella Girls, I'm very concerned that the anime is going to become its undoing. It's too expensive, too extravagant. Inevitably, the interest is going to peak and decline in the year 2015. But once it starts declining, Namco is not going to wait to find out if it plateaus. The astute managers, artists, and even programmers are going to move onto new projects, the flow of the content is going to abate, new players will stop joining and the whole thing will crash like a house of cards. Note that the grind in CG is based on leveling and once you level out, there's nowhere else to go. Even bonuses in the events ultimately help you level. So, yeah. Let's enjoy the 2015 while we can.