There's no wishy-washing it, Shirobako is an outstanding series. I had a small trouble accepting it at first, because of the meta premise. Anime about anime is inablity to see outside of one's cocoon, is it not obvious? How many Hollywood writers set their flicks in New York and L.A. because that's all they know? And did they have to wrap it around a large-eye japanimation moe protag? Intellectual bankrupcy, I'm telling you! And yet, so much love for the people making the final art possible went into making Shirobako, that it went far beyond a comedic pseudo-documentary. Competency in every aspect, too, of course, but primarily the characters were the attraction.
One extra note is that I said many times, "truly excellent anime cannot be spoiled". That applied to Shirobako in full, as I watched the waves of enthusiasm on Twitter and knew about everything in the week's episode. It only worked to whet the appetite.
Liked: Absolutely
Rewatch: Yes, R2