ETOTAMA is a quirky and bouncy show that is let down by a very unfortunate ending. Although, on the second thought, perhaps the end was predetermined structurally. Throughout the whole series, the main character (Nya) makes a heavy use of the main character cheat: she cannot lose no matter what's going on. As she disposes of her opponents one by one, the Big Bad grows stronger and more out of control. The last episode rolls in, and what now? They can't even deploy The Nanoha Device, so Deux ex Machina is the only answer.

In ep.9, the notes run like:

Nya is going to win anyway, whatever
but not after a terrible training montage

I wish I could abstract from all the cowdump in the story and focus on the cheap thrills, but that task was too much for me.

Liked: No
Rewatch: No

