Ogiue Maniax 10th Anniversary

Published: Sun 19 November 2017
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In meta.

Congratulations! Over the years, we linked to Ogiue Maniax many times, and I just received a little scare trying to find the latest article. It was in the backups, but not on the site! Apparently, a draft was saved about Nico-Nico-niiiii, but the polemic with SDS never happened. We'd just to have to leave the readers with the old goodies.

Speaking of anniversaries, Ani-nouto started just a few months ahead of Ogiue Maniax and thus passed its 10th anniversary recenty too. If not for SDS, we'd not have even known.

UPDATE: Aziz joins in but cannot help pointing out that he was there first, by a couple of months. I'm okay with that, nobody can beat Evirus anyway.

